How to Stop the Calls

Telemarketers. You Report Them. We Stop Them.
You Report

Fill out our form to begin the process of stopping the telemarketer.

You can report unwanted calls, texts, or faxes.

You can send us multiple reports.

We will investigate every report you send to us and we willl use our technology and systems to track down the telemarketer who is calling you, at no cost to you.              

We Investigate

We use an assortment of tools and systems to track down the companies that are illegally calling you.

We may need to email you to find out additional information to help us track down the telemarketer.

We have several researchers who are dedicated to tracking down telemarketers at no cost to you..

We Stop the Calls

Once we identify the telemarketer that is illegally calling you, we will use an assortment of tools to stop the calls to you and others.

One of our tools is to file a cease and desist letter against the company that is illegally calling you. 

Another tool we may use is to file a formal complaint on your behalf against the telemarketer, seeking to recover money for you for their illegal calls.

Our services do not cost you anything out of pocket and we do all of the work. Fill out the report if you want us to stop the telemarketer for you.

Did You Receive a Call or Text from a Telemarketer?